The university elections have begun

Which students should serve on the boards of studies, academic councils and AU’s board? That’s up to the students and PhD students to decide when they vote in the 2021 university elections this week.

Each year in November there are elections at Aarhus University. This year, the students and the PhD students can choose their representatives on various boards and councils, as well as the AU board. The elections begin today, 8 November, and the polls will close on 11 November.

The election results will be announced at the beginning of the week commencing 16 November (week 46) on

Read more information for students

Read more information for PhD students

Read more about the university elections 2021

Please contact the Election Secretariat at or by calling 8715 3325, if you have any questions.


Elections at AU
Each year in November there are elections at Aarhus University. Who can vote and for what offices varies within a four year period. This year the polls will be open from 8 to 11 November. In 2021, students and PhD students can vote for representatives to the board, the academic councils, the boards of studies and the PhD committees. Learn more at


Valg på AU
Hvert år i november er der valg på Aarhus Universitet. Hvem, der kan stemme, og hvad der stemmes til, varierer inden for en 4-årig periode. I år er valget den 8.-11. november. I 2021 stemmer studerende og ph.d.-studerende til bestyrelsen, akademiske råd, studienævn og ph.d.-udvalg. Læs mere på