Will you take the bait?

When the only surviving relative of the deceased king of Nigeria contacts you to say that he recently inherited USD 63 million and needs your help in exchange for 20% of the money, you know perfectly well that it is fraud and that you must delete the email. But can you always detect a phishing email? A phishing campaign will help shed light on this.

The focus on IT security is greater than ever before. At the university, IT security is also a matter of great concern, and not just at AU IT. As an employee, you can help improve both your own and the university’s IT security by taking a number of precautions when you navigate online.

In order to equip you to better spot a phishing email and thereby minimise the risk of exposing the university to fraud, the information security department is now launching a phishing campaign. Over the coming month, a number of false phishing emails will be sent out. To begin with, the emails will only be targeted at employees working in the central administration, but the faculties will eventually be included in the campaign. The purpose of the false emails is to increase your awareness of phishing, teach you to detect such emails and dispose of them correctly.

Will you take the bait? 

Phishing: an attempt to ‘fish’ for confidential information with the recipient or trick the recipient into installing malicious software on his or her computer.