Newsletter from the dean

Johnny Laursen

Dear all,

Ours are times of great change in the world around us as well as in our own daily work lives. As if this was not enough, I have to inform you all of a bit of additional news in this newsletter slightly outside the normal rhythm of communication. The head of the School of Culture and Society, Andreas Roepstorff, has through some time carefully contemplated how best to strengthen the school’s future research and innovative efforts at the face of the many other organizational priorities. Having ruminated this quandary for himself and upon subsequent deliberations with me, Andreas suggested that he might step down as head of school and continue as full professor in order to throw himself more fully into the school’s research and innovative policies. I shall make no secret of my initial concern over the prospect of loosing Andreas as head of school and as a member of Arts’ senior management team. Upon further reflection, I have come better to understand and appreciate Andreas’ rationale and motivation for such a move.

After further deliberations with Andreas, I have decided to wholeheartedly support his decision. I have subsequently asked vice head of school Marie Vejrup Nielsen to function as acting head of school from 15 May 2023. Marie has kindly accepted and will serve in this capacity for the next 18 months or until the position has been formally filled. Marie has henceforth asked Andreas to serve as vice head of school for research, which he likewise has accepted. She has, furthermore, asked Kirstine Helboe Johansen to step in as vice head of school for organization and HR. This Kirstine also accepted. It is understood that Kirstine will remain head of department for theology. I have with great satisfaction – indeed, pride – arrived at the conclusion that this arrangement will leave the School of Culture and Society with an exceptionally strong management team, which not only will be able to contribute to the collaboration in Arts’ senior management team, but also continue the school’s drive for a strengthening of research and innovative practices.

This is not the only bit of news at Arts. As many of you will know, my term as dean for Arts will expire 31. May 2023. At my farewell reception I shall struggle to find the proper words to express the privilege and pleasure it has been for me to be dean at this faculty and for you all as staff and students. I will at that time share a last message before I shall return to the department of history and do what proper historians do. On the following day, 1 June, you can all look forward to receiving Maja Horst as the new dean. I do hope that you will welcome her with open arms. I do know that you can look forward to working with her in the years to come. I am entirely confident that the faculty will be in good hands.                

Best regards,

Johnny Laursen