How to make purchases at AU

On this page, you can read about what you need to keep in mind when making purchases on behalf of Aarhus University. By following these guidelines, you ensure that purchases made on behalf of the university comply with the law.

Purchases covered by a purchasing agreement

If your purchasing needs are covered by a cross-organisational purchasing agreement, you must make your purchase under the agreement.

You can get help and advice on cross-organisational purchasing agreements from your local purchasing coordinator or from Procurement under AU Finance

Purchases that are NOT covered by a cross-organisational purchasing agreement

If your purchasing needs cannot be met by a cross-organisational purchasing agreement, your purchase must be carried out in accordance with the guidelines below:

  • The value of the purchase determines the purchasing process to be followed.
  • The value of a purchase is estimated based on the total payments to the supplier throughout the contract period, including extensions, options, etc.
  • For one-off purchases, the total value of the purchase including options etc. must be included in the value. Values are calculated excluding VAT.

Value: DKK 0-50,000

Purchasing process The purchase is made from the supplier who is judged to provide best value for money    
Responsible for process Purchasing unit
Documentation The purchasing unit includes an explanation for the choice of supplier on the invoice

Template for process

Link to guide

Value: DKK 50,000-300,000

Purchasing process The purchase is made in one of the following ways:

a. A market analysis is carried out, on which background one supplier is invited to submit a quotation
b. 2-3 suppliers are invited to submit quotations and the purchase is awarded to the supplier which delivers best value for money
Responsible for process Purchasing unit
Documentation The purchasing unit archives the purchasing memo and any quotation documents
Templates for process

Link to guide

Link to Purchasing memo and any quotation documents

Link to Quote request template

Value: DKK 300,000-1.600,000

Purchasing process Procurement under AU Finance assesses whether the purchase has evident cross-border interest

If the purchase is judged to have evident cross-border interest, the tender is published on

If the purchase is judged not to have evident cross-border interest, the purchase is made in one of the following ways:
a. A market survey is carried out, on which background one supplier is invited to submit a quotation
b. 2-3 suppliers are invited to submit quotations and the purchase is awarded to the supplier which delivers best value for money
Responsible for process Procurement under AU Finance must be contacted for an assessment of the purchase, including assessment of ‘evident cross-border interest’

Procurement under AU Finance handles publication

The purchasing unit handles the market survey/requesting quotations

The purchasing memo and any quotation materials and mails are archived in AU’s ESDH solution

Procurement under AU Finance in re publication

Purchasing unit handles market survey/requesting quotations
Templates for process Contact Procurement via email or fill out this form 

Value: Above DKK 1,600,000

Purchasing process The contract must be put to competitive tendering through an EU tender, SKI or similar.  
Responsible for process Procurement under AU Finance handles the tender process
Documentation Quotation materials, quotations, etc. must be saved in AU’s ESDH solution by Procurement under AU Finance
Templates for process Contact Procurement via email or fill out this form 

In exceptional cases, there may be only one supplier that can deliver the required goods or service. Click here if you need help with this purchase

A note on purchasing for EU-funded projects

When purchasing for EU projects with a value under DKK 50,000, the procedure for purchases in the range of DKK 50,000 to 300,000 must be followed.

General remarks

There are a number of issues regarding allocation, prepayment and accrual, conflicts of interest, IT security, data processing agreements and insurance that you need to be aware of when purchasing at AU. Read a short summary here.

Questions or comments

Contact Procurement via the hotline number or by e-mail:

Further support

  • Purchasing coordinators in your Department or Faculty
  • Settlement of travel expenses and new users at
  • Invoices via
  • Indfak and rejsUd regarding login and program – log on – please search Indfak or RejsUD manuals