DHL Relay Fun Run

DHL Relay Fun Run

Quick runs, beautiful walks and socializing with colleagues.

Thursday 22 August, 2,105 AU employees participated in this year's DHL relay race in Mindeparken in Aarhus, while 55 AU employees from School of Culture and Society, DPU and Roskilde participated in DHL Relay Race in Fælledparken in Copenhagen on Thursday 29. August.

That's just over one in 4. employee and the highest number of participants ever from AU.

AU participants accounted for the fastest time in the relay race for mixed teams, with a team consisting of students affiliated with AU Elitesport.

In 2025, we will repeat the success. Find information about registration and dates in early February 2025.

If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact

New participants can order AU's official running T-shirt

AU's official running T-shirt is reused from year to year. It is therefore only those participants who do not already have an AU running T-shirt who must order one. The team captain orders running T-shirts in connection with registration.

Stay in shape with AU Motion

Did you know that for just 100 kroner a month you can join AU Motion and stay in shape for the DHL Relay Fun Run all year round? As a member, you can choose from a variety of classes, from yoga and spinning to circuit training, and you can use the centre’s exercise equipment and facilities as much as you like during opening hours (5 am - 22:30 pm).

Find out more at

Pictures from DHL Relay Fun Run 2024

Pictures: Jens Hartmann, AU Foto

About the DHL Relay Fun Run

With more than 200,000 participants in several cities in Denmark, the DHL Relay Fun Run is the world’s biggest fitness run. Participants can either participate in a 5 x 5 km relay race or a 5 km walk, and 95% of participants are teams from companies or associations.

DHL brings us together to share something other than our daily work. It’s a fun run together with a picnic in a festive atmosphere.

T-shirts from the past years

Picture 1: 2015-2023, picture 2: 2013, picture 3: 2012, picture 4: 2011