At Aarhus University, you may find that you are designated two different names.
Basically, Aarhus University has a CPR subscription (at present both a shared and study-related STADS subscription). Here you are known by a so-called addressing name, which is 34 characters, and an official name, which comprises your first and last names and any middle names up to 130 characters.
You will be set up with a display name, which is the same as the addressing name. However, you can edit this yourself at using Private information and language. It is saved as a display name in Aarhus University's Identity Management system (IDM).
Finally, the state payroll system Statens Lønsystem (SLS) registers a first- and lastname both with 30 characters, which may differ from the above.
Of course, an error might have occurred, but it may well be that the university is using the above names in several different places. Here are a few examples:
The middel name(s) are only accepted from the official CPR-registry. No other systems must allow registration of middel name(s) and must only be used in the contect of the official first and last name. IT-systems contains usually two fields for the name (or just one). See examples above.
Citizen Service (Borgerservice) registrates the name for foreigners using the passport. If the surname is void it will be entered as "Ej Efternavn" (No Surname).