
Star Wars - The Force Awakens

One of the largest Hollywood productions in this decade - which of course, we must see! And as your compulsory preparation for the film, we present 10 things you didn't know about Star Wars.

Info about event


Thursday 17 December 2015,  at 17:00 - 20:00

The Aarhus BSS Staff Association is delighted to invite you to the event: Star Wars - The force Awakens in 3D. 

See the email invitation from the Staff Association (from 16 October) for further information and registration.

10 things you didn't know about Star Wars – by Rune ”Jedi” Gamborg

As a prelude to the film, we have asked Star Wars fan, Rune Gamborg Ørum, from Aarhus BSS Communication for some insight into the Star Wars universe:

"I'm really looking forward to seeing the potentially largest movie production this decade. However, I have my doubts as to whether I should laugh or cry when seeing yet anothercomputer animated dilution of one of my most prestious childhood stories. However, it's a must to see it! So here are my personally selected 10 things you didn't know about Star Wars."

First, a little Star Wars chronology:

  • 1977 “A New Hope” - Episode IV
  • 1980 “The Empire Strikes Back” - Episode V
  • 1983 “Return of the Jedi” - Episode VI
  • 1999 “The Phantom Menace” - Episode I
  • 2002 “Attack of the Clones” - Episode II
  • 2005 “Revenge of the Sith” - Episode III
  • 2015 “The Force Awakens” - Episode VII

First thing you didn't know about Star Wars







The iconic opening texts are still today rather controversial in the film industry. You will not be able to see other films (from Hollywood), where names of actors or instructors are not mentioned before final credits. In fact, George Lucas is still excluded from all trade unions in the film industry because he holds on to not writing any names of people before the film is completely finished.

Second thing you didn't know about Star Wars










Han Solo was frozen at the end of the 'The Empire Strikes Back", because Harrison Ford was not sure that he would be in on a third film. As you know, George Lucas fortunately brought Han Solo back again in 'Return of the Jedi", and Han Solo's history continues in "The Force Awakens'.

Third thing you didn't know about Star Wars

Under optagelserne til “The Phantom Menace” blev Ewan McGregor så grebet af stemningen, at han under lyssværdskampene konstant udgyder sine egne lyssværdslyde, som man var nødt til møjsommeligt at klippe ud af lydsporene efterfølgende.

Fourth thing you didn't know about Star Wars

Tip your ears! "I got a bad feeling about this" is a phrase you hear in all Star Wars films. And if you hear the phrase in other films, it is usually a more or less clear Star Wars reference.

Fifth thing you didn't know about Star Wars

Alec Guinness played Obi-Wan in the "A New Hope", has reportedly called the script "childish rubbish". Yet he managed to negotiate a salary of 2% of the film's total revenues, which has earned him 680 million Danish kroner. By comparison, Harrison Ford was paid DKK 70,000 for his role in the same film.

Sixth thing you didn't know about Star Wars

Star Wars can teach kids to code JavaScript! Some of us were concerned about what Disney might be able to pull out of the Star Wars brand, but this is an interesting extension of the universe to fuel up children's imagination. A very good idea!
Read more about 'Star Wars - Building a Galaxy med Code" on https://code.org/starwars

Seventh thing you didn't know about Star Wars

The actor behind Darth Vader, perhaps the world's most iconic villain, is called David Prowse, and you've never seen his face or heard his voice. James Earl Jones voice to the figure, and even when the mask falls at the end of the 'Return of the Jedi', it is Sebastian Shaw, who gets the honor. In order not to break with tradition, I have chosen not to show a picture of David Prowse here.

Eighth thing you didn't know about Star Wars

Han Solo shot first! Ok, you probably already knew this.

Ninth thing you didn't know about Star Wars

Have you seen Akira Kurosawa's "Hidden fortress" and "Rashomon"? If not, you must start with those two movies if you are interested in knowing where the Star Wars cultural heritage comes from. The word "Jedi" originates from the Japanese movie genre "Jedai-Geki", which means "historical drama" or "period film".

Tenth thing you didn't know about Star Wars

More of Hayden Christensen's dialogue as the young Anakin Skywalker (Darth Vader) in "Revenge Of The Sith", is more or less quotes from George W. Bush's speeches in the period up to and during the invasion of Iraq.

I hope you enjoy the movie!

/Rune Gamborg Ørum