May Seminar on Doctoral Education

We invite you to participate in this year’s “May Seminar” on knowledge sharing and cohesion within the Graduate School of Arts, Aarhus University.

Info about event


Tuesday 3 May 2016,  at 10:00 - 15:00


Centre for Teaching Development and Digital Media, Aarhus University, Building 5620, Room 136, Paludan Müllers- Vej 48, 8200 Aarhus N.

The seminar has been planned in collaboration between the Centre for Teaching Development and Digital Media and the Graduate School of Arts, Aarhus University. The seminar targets the core institutional levels within the Graduate School:

  • The directorial level
  • The PhD Committee
  • The level of the PhD programmes
  • Research programmes
  • Heads of Departments
  • PhD Section (PhD Administration)and
  • The PhD supervisors

The seminar should be seen as an opportunity for the different levels within the Graduate School to explore and align the educational values, strategies and practices performed on each level, and to discuss the educational implications the organisational setup may have for PhD students. The seminar will also encourage collective reflection on how to, educationally,establish and maintain creative research environments, and how to integrate PhD students into such environments.

The day will consist of three workshops facilitated by researchers and developers within doctoral education. Each workshop will take its point of departure in a short presentation of the workshop theme and how it links into the international research literature within the field of doctoral education.
A final programme will be sent to all participants before the event.

To sign up, send an email to Søren Bengtsen ( by April 1st, 2016.

When signing up, please write down in a few lines about what you see as the main challenge and/or the main potential of the Graduate School of Arts at the moment from your own institutional level and perspective.

We look forward to meeting you!