Aarhus Campus heading towards 2034: Who will be located where?
Get an overview of where the faculties, central administration, and Enterprise and Innovation will be located in Aarhus once the building projects, renovations and relocations in the plan for campus development have been completed.

The AU board has approved a new plan for the development of the university’s campus between now and 2034 – Campus 3.0. Below is an illustration of what the plan means for AU’s locations in Aarhus.

Arts will consolidate most of its activities in the southern part of the University City to create visible and cohesive academic environments that foster a strong, shared identity for both staff and students. Moesgaard will continue to be the natural centre for anthropology and archaeology, while the IT programmes at Arts will be located alongside the relevant academic department at Natural Sciences in a new high-rise building on Åbogade at Katrinebjerg.

Technical Sciences
In Aarhus, Technical Sciences will consolidate all its engineering activities at Katrinebjerg, Gustav Wieds Vej and Kasernen. This spatial consolidation will help create a study and campus environment with academic synergies and the infrastructure needed for close collaboration across technical disciplines. The Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering will move into a new building complex on Helsingforsgade once it has vacated Navitas. The Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering will move into a new building on Gustav Wieds Vej and will also take over Kasernen, where it will be part of AU's surrounding research environment for technology development, including iNANO and the CORC centre. The department will be connected to the faculty's other engineering departments at Katrinebjerg.
Technical Sciences will also continue to develop its locations outside Aarhus, including Viborg, Roskilde, Flakkebjerg, Herning, Auning and Askov.

Natural Sciences
The IT programmes at Natural Sciences will be consolidated in a new high-rise building on Åbogade at Katrinebjerg, where the Department of Computer Science will relocate and become part of the university's IT and engineering hub, alongside the IT programmes at Arts. Natural Sciences will also continue to concentrate its activities in Aarhus around the University Park, Vennelystparken and Langelandsgade and will not be further affected by the new plan.
Aarhus BSS
Aarhus BSS will move its activities on Fuglesangs Allé to the northern part of the University City, where construction is nearing completion. In its new setting, Aarhus BSS can look forward to providing an attractive study and work environment in Aarhus, bringing together all business and social science activities in the University Park and the University City. Units in the administrative centre at Aarhus BSS, which are currently located in Tåsingegade, are also set to move closer to the academic departments they serve.
For several years, Health has been working strategically to create closer proximity and cohesion between its activities in the University Park – including the new Skou Building and, more recently, the renovation of the Bartholin complex, which will be ready for occupancy in early 2025. The faculty’s ambition is to establish a 'health science district’ in the southern part of campus, strengthen the integration with Aarhus University Hospital, and develop facilities for sports science and public health science on Dalgas Avenue, where Health will bring together students from the two programmes.
Dalgas Avenue is not shown on the map because the location is not directly affected by the Campus 3.0 plans.

Central administration
Under the new plan, the central administration will move out of Nobel Park, Tåsingegade, and Frederikshus and into the University Park, University City, Kasernen, and Trøjborgvej. AU IT has been located in the University City since 2020, and now the administrative divisions AU HR, AU Student Administration and Services, AU Estates Projects and Development, and AU Research will also move closer to the academic departments they serve.

Enterprise and Innovation
Enterprise and Innovation is currently divided across two locations: the Staklade Complex (Business) and the University City (The Kitchen in the central kitchen of the former municipal hospital). The two units will move together into new, larger premises in the hospital’s former boiler house and laundry in the northern part of University City, as well as in the adjacent building 1842.
See more about AU's campus development at AU.dk/campusudvikling. (In Danish only)