AU has introduced a whistleblower scheme

From 17 December, staff and external partners will be able to report criminal offences, harassment and other forms of wrongdoing under AU’s new whistleblower scheme. According to the new procedure, disclosures will be processed by a law firm before consideration by a new whistleblower unit at AU.

As other state-sector organisations in Denmark, Aarhus University has just set up a new whistleblower scheme. The new scheme will make it easier to report suspicions or knowledge of illegal activities, gross harassment or other serious offences. Whistleblowers can submit their disclosure – anonymously if they like – to a law firm which will determine whether the matter qualifies for consideration under the whistleblower scheme. The disclosure will then be considered by AU’s new whistleblower team.

The whistleblower scheme has been introduced at AU as a consequence of an EU directive. Kristian Thorn, head of staff at the Rector’s Office, welcomes this development:

“A staff member or external partner with an affiliation with AU must be able to disclose illegal activities or serious offences without having to worry about their job security or fearing reprisals. A whistleblower scheme can be an effective tool to ensure that problems are followed up on in a way that is secure for everyone involved.”

Does not apply to students

The whistleblower scheme applies to employees, current as well as former, external partners, suppliers and persons affiliated with AU as volunteers or honorary officers.

On the other hand, however, AU students are not covered by the scheme; the law does not make it possible to ensure their anonymity and confidentiality in connection with disclosures. However, students who are employed by or work for AU on a volunteer basis are eligible due to this relationship.

"A whistleblower should be able to expect that their disclosure will not be made public, and as the law is now, we cannot offer students the same guarantees we can offer employees. To address this, we’ve started reviewing our existing channels for students to report issues of concern,” Thorn said.

Blow the whistle on wrongdoing

No precise criteria have been set for the kinds of offences that qualify for consideration under the whistleblowing scheme. However, the disclosures must concern serious offences which have taken place or are likely to take place. Here are some examples: Breach of duty of confidentiality, misuse of funds, theft, gross harassment or serious or repeated violations of administrative law principles. The website provides more detailed information on the kinds of “serious offences” that are covered by the whistleblower scheme.

The law firm Plesner has been selected to accept disclosures from whistleblowers on behalf of AU. Plesner will determine whether a disclosure is covered by the whistleblower scheme and then forward it to the new whistleblower unit, which is staffed by lawyers from the Rector's office, representatives from the faculties and AU HR. The unit is subject to special confidentiality regarding the reports that fall under the whistleblower scheme. To ensure impartiality, disclosures having to do with the Rector's Office, including the senior management team, must be sent directly by Plesner to AU HR, which will then consider the case.

Thorn believes that introducing a whistleblower scheme at the universities is a natural development, as such schemes exist at other state-sector institutions.

"We are an open organisation that functions by virtue of our credibility. It is absolutely crucial that the outside world can have confidence in our work,” says Kristian Thorn.

On the website, you can read more about the background for the scheme, who can submit disclosures, how whistleblowers are guaranteed anonymit  and the procedure for processing disclosures. You will also find the link for submitting a disclosure to Plesner on the webside. The scheme comes into force on 17 December 2021.


Administrative Officer Bente Skou Paulsen


Head of Rector’s Office Staff, Kristian Thorn
3069 8692