Apply for AUFF Funding in the Autumn of 2015
The deadline has been set for the autumn round of applications for AUFF funding.
Application deadline for AUFF NOVA
AUFF NOVA grants are intended to help researchers launch the kind of bold, innovative research projects that often find it difficult to obtain funding from other sources despite their high quality. The projects funded by AUFF NOVA must forge new roads and have the potential to lead to scientific and scholarly breakthroughs. The hypothesis or the research question the project explores should preferably contain a break with existing assumptions and/or require new methods.
Application deadline: Noon of 4 September 2015
Application deadline for the AUFF guest researcher fund
The purpose of the AUFF guest researcher fund is to provide funding for research stays for recognised international researchers who will make a contribution to Aarhus University’s research and teaching.
Application deadline: Noon of 4 September 2015
Read more about the AUFF guest researcher fund
Application deadlines for AUFF Starting Grants for assistant professors and associate professors
With Starting Grants, AUFF wishes to ensure excellent researchers good career opportunities at Aarhus University as well as to support particularly promising research of international calibre at the four faculties. The research must have scientific or scholarly impact. In addition, it should preferably have potential value for society.
Application deadlines:
- Noon of 1 September 2015
- Noon of 1 October 2015
- Noon of 1 November 2015
- Noon of 1 December 2015
Read more about AUFF Starting Grants
Application deadline for AUFF's publication support grants
AUFF's publication support grants are aimed at ensuring that important scientific work and other activities at the university are able to obtain the necessary funding for quality publication and dissemination and are thus able to strengthen awareness of the university's research results and other related activities in the international research community and among the general public.
Application deadline: Noon of 18 September 2015
Read more about AUFF's publication support grants