AU's change of telephone services operator means employees will need a new sim card
After the summer holidays, AU will carry out a change of telephone services supplier. The change covers employees' work mobile phones and tablets, but not home workstations and technical equipment. At the same time, AU IT will save millions of Danish kroner on its annual operating expenses.
The senior management team has approved AU’s change of telephone services supplier from TDC to Telenor. The change will affect approximately 3,000 employees at AU; they will need a new SIM card for their mobile phone and tablet. However, everyone will keep his or her current phone numbers for both landline and mobile phones.
Home Internet and SIM cards in AU’s technical equipment will be unaffected by the change of supplier and will continue as previously with TDC.
Changing to save money
A review of the current tele-consumption at AU indicates that a change of supplier will save money. In fact, calculations show that AU IT can make annual savings of:
- DKK 0.8 million in 2014
- DKK 2.0 million in 2015
- DKK 2.0 million in 2016
- DKK 2,5 million in 2017
At the same time, the savings are not expected to lead to poorer coverage for employees. On the contrary, Telenor's network is viewed as Denmark's strongest, especially on the so-called 4G networks (very fast mobile broadband).
Practical aspects
The plan is to replace employee SIM cards during the first two weeks of September. The SIM cards will be send to the employees - primarily to their home address. All affected employees will receive further information in August on how and when they will receive their new SIM card, as well as information on how the change of supplier can also affect them.
Questions may be directed to Secretariat Manager Karen Bjorholm Viberg