Book AUtocampus and draw attention to your event

Aarhus University’s mobile information kiosk,the AUtocampus van, can now be borrowed by all employees for AU-related events. You can borrow the kiosk free of charge, but you should expect some costs in relation to the transportation of AUtocampus.

Have you heard of AUtocampus? AUtocampus is Aarhus University’s small custom-built mobile information kiosk. AUtocampus was built in the autumn of 2016 to help raise awareness about the future campus development at Aarhus University. Now, the cart can also be borrowed by all employees to be used at AU-related events. 

What purposes would AUtocampus be great for?

AUtocampus can be used as a gimmick to draw attention to an event or a message. AUtocampus looks like a miniature version of the university, with the characteristic yellow bricks, and has a large window at one end. The kiosk is almost four meters high and the front has two hatches that can easily be opened. This makes AUtocampus ideal as an information centre or collection stand. In order to borrow AUtocampus, you must be an employee at Aarhus University and the intended use must be job-related. The cart can be borrowed for one day at a time, Mondays through Fridays

Transportation of AUtocampus will involve some costs

If you wish to borrow AUtocampus, you should expect some costs in relation to transporting the cart from the harbour, where it is stored, to the specific location and back again. You will also have to pay to have the cart cleaned, inside and outside, after using it. You can get an estimate of the total costs before booking. 

Further information:

You can book AUtocampus through Outlook, in the same way as conference rooms and banner sites – so you can easily check whether it is available on the day you want it.

Read more about AUtocampus on the mobile information centre’s website (in Danish)

If you have any questions, please contact:
Heidi Andersen, AU Finance and Estates Projects and Development – Estates Projects and Development Secretariat,