Check your annual tax statement for errors in the deduction for transport between home and work

Unfortunately, the deduction for transport between home and work has been calculated incorrectly in some annual tax statements for 2015.

The error appears to primarily affect Roskilde, DPU and Foulum. However, all employees who claim a deduction for transport between home and work should be aware of the problem. If this applies to you, you are encouraged to check your 2015 annual tax statement in your personal tax folder on the SKAT website, The error only affects the 2015 annual tax statement.

You are also encouraged to check your preliminary income assessment for 2016 to make sure that the deduction is calculated correctly.

The Payroll Office at Aarhus University is working with the Agency for the Modernisation of Public Administration and the Danish Customs and Tax Administration to resolve the problem.

The following persons can help you if you have any questions regarding the case:

Payroll staff member Lillan Andersen,, 8715 2293

Payroll staff member Karin Augustenborg,, 8715 3329