Denmark concludes new agreement with the publishing house Wiley

On behalf of the Danish universities, the Royal Danish Library has negotiated an agreement with the publisher Wiley which provides researchers with immediate, free reading access to Wiley’s research publications.

[Translate to English:] Det Kgl. Bibliotek har på vegne af Danske Universiteter forhandlet en ny aftale med forlaget Wiley. Foto: Roar Lava Paaske/AU Foto

This article is based on a press release from Universities Denmark

There must be immediate, free access to Danish research publications as soon as they are published, and Danish universities will not accept price increases for reading access to research publications from other countries.

These were the demands the Royal Danish Library brought to the table for negotiations with the publishing house Wiley in autumn 2021. These demands were formulated in the light of last year’s negotiations with the publishing powerhouse Elsevier, and were in alignment with Universities Denmark’s ambition to improve science communication and access to the universities’ research to the benefit of society as a whole.

After an intense negotiation process, a four-year agreement has been concluded with Wiley – an agreement that is described as “highly satisfactory” in the press release from Universities Denmark. The agreement ensures immediate Open Access to Danish works published by Wiley, as well as reading access to an unchanged portfolio.

Much of the research produced world-wide is still locked behind commercial paywalls; academic publishers earn revenue from publication and reading access. Last year, the library succeeded in convincing Elsevier to break with this business model in the  new agreement. The new agreement with Wiley has brought the universities a step closer to greater openness and accessibility in research.


Read more about the agreement with Wiley – including how researchers can publish