Five talented AU students receive the HM Queen Margrethe II Travel Grant 2021

Five students from Aarhus University will soon be venturing out into the world to expand their academic horizons. They have received the HM Queen Margrethe II Travel Grant, and during their studies abroad, they will learn about topics ranging from atrial fibrillation, to public administration, artificial cells, fluid mechanics and Danish-Italian archaeological excavations.

With HM Queen Margrethe II travel grants of DKK 25,000 each, five strong talents can now travel abroad to gain valuable new insight into their subjects. The grants will be presented at the university's annual celebration in the Main Hall on Friday 10 September.

The five recipients of the 2021 Queen Margrethe II Travel Grant are:

Frederik Giessing Nielsen, Master’s student in mechanical engineering, TECH
Frederik Giessing Nielsen has strong academic competencies in the field of fluid mechanics; competences that enable him to help Danish industry to develop new, sustainable energy solutions. With the Queen Margrethe II Travel Grant, Frederik Giessing Nielsen will be able to study abroad at one of the best engineering universities in the United States.

Thomas Jensen, Master’s student in medicine, Health
Thomas Jensen is a particularly talented young researcher in atrial fibrillation, and he published as the first author during his research year. Thomas Jensen will use the Queen Margrethe II Travel Grant for a stay at Leiden University Medical Center in the Netherlands, where he will continue his research into sudden heart failure caused by atrial fibrillation in patients with cardiac muscle disease.

Cathrine Abild Meyer, Master’s student in nanoscience, NAT
Cathrine Abild Meyer is a promising research talent who earned top marks for her Bachelor's project at the Stadler Laboratory at iNANO. Her project is about co-cultivation of artificial cells and liver cells to form bionic tissue. The Queen Margrethe II Travel Grant will allow her to study at Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal.

Anne Siri Snell, Master’s student in political science, Aarhus BSS
Anne Siri Snell has strong academic competencies in political science, and she is particularly interested in social-science methods (especially quantitative methods) and in studying public administration. With the Queen Margrethe II Travel Grant, Anne Siri Snell will be able to stay at the University of Texas at Austin; one of the world's best universities within political science.

Sara Cecilie Utvaag, Master’s student in archaeology, Arts
In her studies, Sara Cecilie Utvaag has excelled in museum work and archaeological fieldwork, with a high level of commitment. The Queen Margrethe II Travel Grant will enable Sara Cecilie Utvaag to study in Rome, where she can study relevant locations, and go on a longer study trip to the area around Vesuvius.

Read more about all five grant recipients 

Watch short videos filmed by the recipients themselves (in danish)

Read more about Queen Margrethe II’s time as a student at Aarhus University (in danish)

Read more about the annual celebration

About HM Queen Margrethe II Travel Grants
The travel grant was established in 2010 as a present to HM Queen Margrethe on the occasion of her 70th birthday and was extended in 2012 to mark the 40th anniversary of the Queen's accession to the throne. A total of five grants are awarded. At Aarhus BSS and Arts, the grants go to students of political science and archaeology – the two subjects that Her Majesty studied during her time as a student at Aarhus University in 1961-62. No restrictions with regard to subject apply to candidates from Health, Natural Sciences and Technical Sciences.

The 25,000 kroner travel grants are intended to make it possible for their recipients to study abroad in connection with their studies at Aarhus University.