Get more help with your settlements in RejsUd

From now on, you will be able to get more help and guidance with settling your expenses in AU’s settlement system, RejsUd. We encourage you to contact Rejsud support as soon as you encounter problems.

Photo: Colourbox


Many employees feel that they have to spend unnecessarily long time settling their expenses. To address this problem, the university has now made it easier to get individual help and support when you have trouble using the system or have questions about your expense settlements.

RejsUd support will be available Monday - Friday from 8:00 to 15:00 to answer your individual questions about your settlements to help you get through them more quickly. Support is available for all kinds of expense settlements: travel, transportation, means and refreshments and everything else. Support is provided by staff from AU Finance’s Travel Expense Accounts team, and you can contact them by mail and on Teams.

Travel Expense Accounts encourages all employees to contact support immediately if they have questions about an expense settlement – and as far as possible before the expense is processed. This will reduce the likelihood for errors,which means that you won’t have to spend time correcting the settlement.

After the summer holiday, support will be even easier to get: it will be possible to get immediate assistance over Teamviewer – a solution that gives the supporter direct access to your screen. 

Read more about RejsUd support