International top researchers set up at Aarhus University

With DKK 50 million in Laureate Research Grants each from the Novo Nordisk Foundation, Professor Daan van Aalten and Professor Fulvio Reggiori are moving their research to Aarhus University.

The internationally recognised biomedical researcher Fulvio Reggiori will bring his expertise in autophagy – the process by which cells degrade and reuse their components – to Denmark when he starts a fellowship at AIAS on 1 June 2022. At the same time, he will establish his new research laboratory, the Reggiori Lab, at the Department of Biomedicine. This is made possible by a Laureate Grant of DKK 50 million from the Novo Nordisk Foundation. Read more about Fulvio Reggiori.

Professor Daan van Aalten is an international expert in the field of protein modifications that affect embryonic development and neurodegenerative diseases. His research covers different technologies, ranging from chemistry to structural biology, mass spectrometry, cell biology and animal models. Professor Daan van Aalten’s research group will move from the University of Dundee to the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics at AU, where he will take up the position of professor and set up his laboratories in the University City from 1 June 2022. Read more about Daan van Aalten.

The Novo Nordisk Foundation's Laureate Research Grants are awarded to outstanding international researchers who wish to establish a research group in Denmark. Each grant of up to DKK 50 million is an adjustable grant that covers operations, salaries and research equipment for a period of seven years. The grants can be extended for a further seven years based on a new application and an evaluation of the project in the sixth year.



Professor, AIAS-fellow og sektionsleder Fulvio Reggiori

Aarhus Universitet, Institut for Biomedicin,
Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies (AIAS) og
University Medical Center Groningen, Institut for Biomedicinske Videnskaber for Celler og Systemer

Vedr. Professor Daan van Aalten

Institutleder Erik Østergaard Jensen
Institut for Molekylærbiologi og Genetik
Aarhus Universitet - 28992567