More focus on energy efficiency

The Aarhus School of Dentistry and the BSS’ campus at Fuglesangs Allé are at the centre of two pilot projects that were recently initiated. This the first step in the plan to reduce AU’s overall energy consumption and lower the university’s environmental impact.

“Save on energy, not on research and education.”

Such would be the slogan for a new pilot project at AU. According to the people who know a thing or two about energy, there is a lot of money to be saved by taking the right measures and organising initiatives properly. And that is one of the reasons why the management at AU Planning have decided to place emphasis on how to make AU more energy efficient. The goal is for us to start exploiting the energy resources in a much more intelligent and cost-effective way and thereby reduce the overall energy consumption and save money. Moreover, one of the primary goals is to lower AU’s overall environmental impact, so this is a green initiative as well.

Pilot project will yield useful knowledge

The first steps in the process are the two pilot projects at the Aarhus School of Dentistry and the BSS’ campus at Fuglesangs Allé (Building 2628). The work done here will provide useful knowledge that will form the basis of the further work to implement energy management across the board at AU. The focus of these pilot projects is to map out the energy consumption in the two buildings that have been selected for the project and identify the areas with the greatest potential for saving energy.

Both pilot projects will be concluded by 1 April after which it will be decided how to proceed with the implementation across the rest of AU.

Involving students and employees

Apart from the work with the technical installations, the goal is also to involve the actual users of the buildings – employees and students – in identifying the areas where energy can be saved. The initiative has been launched at Fuglesangs Allé. Employees and students have been informed of the project and are encouraged to register as ambassadors – to become so-called Green Ambassadors.

The Green Ambassadors are meant to support the work to establish energy efficiency at AU by focusing on where users of the buildings will be able to save energy and by promoting sustainable behaviour to their colleagues and fellow students.

> Learn more about the pilot project at BSS

Further information

Søren Harbo Jensen
Head of energy management at AU
AU Planning
Tel.: +45 8715 3195