New digital platform for virtual meetings

The collaboration platform Teams, which is part of Microsoft Office 365, will now be available to all employees for virtual meetings. You can participate in a webinar and learn about Teams functionalities and how to use Teams.

Teams is an intuitive tool for holding virtual meetings and makes it possible to share files, record meetings and chat with others during and between meetings.

The launch of Teams at AU was originally planned to take place in the autumn 2020, but, because of the corona situation, management has decided to make Teams available to all members of staff now as an alternative to, for example, Skype for Business.

For the moment, Teams may only be used for communication between AU employees. 

Students will not have access to Teams, and all digital communication with students must still take place via Zoom which can be accessed via Blackboard.

How to get started

The Teams app and guides are available here. The website will be updated with new guides, tips and tricks on an ongoing basis.

You can also sign up for a webinar which is an introduction to Microsoft Teams to learn more about Teams functionalities and how to use Teams. The webinar will focus on how to plan and hold meetings in Teams including chats and conversations via Teams.

At the Teams website you can gen an overview of planed webinars. To participate in a webinar, please select a suitable time and click the link.   

    More webinars will be added continuously. Please find dates and times on the website.

    If you need help getting started with Teams, please contact your local IT support team.