New guidelines for the logo structure and university seal
An adjustment of the design programme gives academic departments and centres more scope to highlight their individual identity. The university seal has also been given a more prominent place in the design programme.
The senior management team has just adopted a revised design programme for Aarhus University. The aim of the adjustment is to highlight the identities of the individual academic units and to provide scope for the diversity of the university’s disciplines, while at the same time continuing to present Aarhus University as a cohesive organisation.
Academic units will now have the option of highlighting their own name in AU’s logo. The new design programme also gives the university seal a more prominent role. The decision on the extent to which these adjustments will be implemented locally will be up to the deans.
The adjusted design programme unifies a greater focus on individual disciplines with a focus on cost-efficiency and effective use of resources.
The adjusted design programme will be available as soon as possible on the Staff service website.
New communication practice on the way
The adjustment of the design programme is part of a larger process of formulating a new framework for communication practice, with shared principles for internal and external communication at the university.
The project is anchored in a working group with representatives from all four faculties. The working group has been tasked with formulating a framework for communication that places a greater emphasis on the individual academic disciplines and ensures a higher degree of staff and student involvement.
The senior management team will now send the working group’s communication practice proposal for discussion by the academic councils, and expects to adopt the final communication practice framework before the summer holiday.
The adjusted design programme and the new communication practice framework will replace the 2011 branding strategy.The process was initiated as a result of the senior management team’s follow-up on the problem analysis in October 2014.