New model for foundation funding strengthens Danish research

Six foundations and Universities Denmark have entered into an agreement on how foundations are to contribute to derived expenses (overhead) in their grants. The agreement makes the foundations' contributions to university research more transparent and it defines a clear financial distribution formula between universities and foundations.

This is what Universities Denmark writes in a press release about the agreement with the six foundations: the Novo Nordisk Foundation, Villum Foundation, Carlsberg Foundation, Velux Foundation, Lundbeck Foundation and LEO Foundation. 

Aarhus University and the other seven universities in Denmark are part of the agreement. The aim of the agreement is to have a “clear division of funding obligations between foundations and universities, as well as more simplified and standardised application and administration processes to benefit universities, researchers and foundations alike,” as stated in the press release.

The agreement frees up part of the universities' basic research funds, which today finance derived costs associated with private external research grants. The total contribution to cover derived costs is estimated to be between DKK 700-800 million annually once the agreement is fully phased in. Rector Brian Bech Nielsen is pleased with the agreement:

“With this agreement, we will help set a better financial balance between grants from private research foundations and other research at the university. As a result, universities will be able to prioritise their own research funding for the benefit of the quality of Danish research. This is a good day for Danish research,” says Brian Bech Nielsen, Rector of AU and Chair of Universities Denmark in the press release from Universities Denmark about the agreement.

The technical implementation of the agreement will be put in place within a few months in collaboration between the six foundations and Universities Denmark, after which the new project supplement model will be implemented. More information on this will be announced in spring 2024.

Read more about the details of the agreement in the press release and other information material from Universities Denmark.

This article is based on the press release from Universities Denmark.