Professor Felix Riede honoured with Elite Research Prize 2022

Researcher in environmental archaeology, Felix Riede from the School of Culture and Society at Aarhus University, receives the Elite Research Prize 2022. Felix Riede is being honoured for his ground-breaking research, which uses the past as a laboratory to generate important knowledge about climate change today. Five junior AU researchers are awarded Elite Research travel grants on the same occasion.

[Translate to English:] Foto af Felix Riede
Photo: Søren Kjeldgaard/EliteForsk

This article is based on press material from the Ministry of Higher Education and Science.

Professor Felix Riede is honoured with the Elite Research Prize for his research into climate change and natural disasters of the past. Through his research, he has shown that, when the climate undergoes sudden and significant changes, it has major consequences for societies and cultures. Early in his research career, Felix Riede became interested in working across academic fields. In his own words, academic breakthrough is achieved through interacting with others – for example, ice core drilling is a fantastic source for understanding the past’s extremely changeable climate. He explains more about his ideas in this profile.

Five junior research talents from Aarhus University receive Elite Research travel grants.

The Elite Research Prize is awarded by Minister for Higher Education and Science Jesper Petersen and is designed to raise awareness of excellent researchers and research results as well as to highlight researchers as role models in order to attract more young people to research careers.

The Elite Research Prize is worth DKK 1.2 million. Of this amount, DKK 1 million goes to the award recipient’s research activities, while the remaining DKK 200,000 is a personal prize of honour.

Press release from the ministry.