Quiz your way through the staff policy

The Main Liaison Committee's Christmas quiz will test your knowledge of different aspects of AU’s staff policy every day in December until Christmas. Join in! 

Go to the quiz

The quiz contains 24 questions about the staff policy, and on each of the 24 days in December leading up to Christmas, a new door will be opened and a new question will be visible. There is a comments field under each question where you can write remarks on the policy in general or on the topic of the day.

But why do a Christmas quiz about the staff policy in the first place? Associate professor Olav W. Bertelsen, who is a staff representative on the Main Liaison Committee, explains:

“The staff policy has been living a very quiet life. A lot of staff members know about the policy, but they haven’t actually read it. In the Main Liaison Committee, this is something we really want to change. So we hope that this quiz will help increase awareness of and interest in AU’s staff policy.”

Tell us what you think

In addition to familiarising us with the staff policy, the Christmas quiz also has a second, very important purpose,  says Bertelsen:

“It’s important that the staff policy is genuinely anchored in the culture that exists at AU. This is why we’re giving all interested staff members the possibility of submitting their remarks and ideas about the staff policy via the comments fields in the Christmas quiz and in this way participating actively in developing the staff policy.”

The comments and proposals submitted will be used in relation to the ongoing re-evaluation of the staff policy. The Main Liaison Committee, local liaison committees and the occupational health and safety committees at all levels of the organisation are in the process of assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the policy with an aim to revising it.

The revised staff policy is expected to be available in the autumn of 2015.
Read article from 10 September 2014 on the evaluation of the personnel policy

Take the quiz

Every day, a winner will be drawn from the day’s questions. The lucky winners will be informed directly and will also be announced on the Christmas quiz website. The weekend’s winners will be announced on the following Monday, and the winners of the questions from 23 and 24 December will be announced on 5 January. Each of the 24 winners will receive a small prize.

Take the quiz and test your knowledge!

Facts about AU's staff policy

The current AU staff policy from 2011 was developed by a working group with employee and management representatives from both professional and administrative environments, and has been approved by the Main Liaison Committee (HSU).

AU's staff policy describes the general principles and explains the rights and obligations  entailed in being an employee at AU.

The staff policy also contains sub-policies on specific issues, such as competence development and absence due to illness.  In addition, AU's staff policy contains ‘ten guidelines for daily work life at AU’.

Read AU’s staff policy