SDDs with more value

In the autumn, all employees and managers will meet for staff development dialogues (SDD) at AU. The SDD is your opportunity to discuss your tasks, results, well-being and competency development with your manager.

This year, it is especially important to give the SDDs a bit of extra attention, as  the WPA in the spring showed that the mandatory SDDs are not held for all employees. The WPA also indicated that employees and managers could probably get even more out of the dialogues. 

Why is the SDD important?

The SDD is important because this is when you have time for a more general dialogue with your manager about your goals, tasks, well-being and competency development.

The SDD thus helps to ensure that you have the necessary competencies to perform your current and future work tasks. At the same time, you and your immediate supervisor can ensure that your competency development is in harmony with AU’s development.

Course for managers

As a manager at AU, you can sign up for an SDD course. The course will deal with topics such as how to conduct more effective staff development dialogues that benefit both employees and managers more. This year, there are three dates to choose from, and one of the courses will be in English. Read more here.

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