The competency fund has been replaced by a new ‘national competency fund’

From now on, employees at Aarhus University should apply for funding for individual competency development from the new national competency fund (Den statslige kompetencefond), which has replaced the former competency fund and the fund for government workplaces. The framework for the allocation of funding is expected to be finalised this autumn.

As a consequence of the spring’s collective agreement negotiations (OK18), the parties to the agreement have decided to abolish the competency fund and the fund for government workplaces. This means that it will not be possible to apply for funding from the competency fund for activities in 2019. The two funds will be replaced by the new national competency fund (Den statslige kompetencefond).

The criteria for allocating funding from the national competency fund are not yet in place

The government and the parties to the collective agreement have earmarked 173 million kroner for individual competency development for the current collective agreement period, which runs until 2021. How these funds will be allocated, and the criteria that will determine their allocation, will be discussed by the parties to the agreement this autumn.

It will not be possible to apply for funding from the fund until these negotiations are concluded.

Additional information

As soon as the terms for applying for funding from the new fund have been finalised, we will post information on how to apply on the AU website: Danish).

If you would like more information, you are welcome to email us at or call us at 2628 2361.

Please note that skilled and unskilled workers without a higher education can now apply for financial support for degree programmes at diploma and academy level. Read more about this option here.