The new website of Aarhus BSS has been launched

Monday 25 January saw the launch of the new See the new website here and get a short introduction to some the most important improvements

Aarhus BSS has a new website. The launch of the new website at is yet another step in the implementation of the profiling strategy which was approved by the senior management team in 2015 and which aims to increase the visibility of Aarhus BSS.

The development of the new site has taken point of departure in three aspects:

  1. An extensive analysis of what visitors to AU’s website are actually looking for
  2. A digital concept for Aarhus BSS’ external web
  3. The profiling strategy for Aarhus BSS

The design of the website complies with the visual profile of Aarhus BSS and has been developed in collaboration between AU IT, Web and Digital Media and Aarhus BSS’ own IT specialists. The project is anchored in the faculty management team and has been approved by the senior management team. In addition, the steering committee and the working group have contributed to clarifying the project objectives. After the launch, the website will continue to be tested and further developed as the project has worked on a very tight deadline. 

Here are the five most important improvements:

1. What are users looking for?
An extensive analysis has identified what external visitors (people outside AU) are actually looking for at (see the whole analysis below the article). People mainly visit to find a specific degree programme, to get advice and guidance, or to find a specific person, department or building, etc. These elements are thus in focus on the new website. News items are less prominent on the new site as these are increasingly communicated via social media channels.

2. The site also works on mobile phones and tablets
The new website comes with a fully responsive design, which means that it works and looks good on all screen sizes - from smartphones and tablets to cinema screens (although it probable won’t be show that often on this particular screen type).

3. All activities at Aarhus BSS are gathered in one place
Until now, the sites concerning the PhD programme, continuing education, alumni, career centre, etc. have not been part of In practise this meant that users were directed back and forth between various websites with different names and logos. This is no longer the case - at least not for the sites mentioned above. A new top navigation bar offers users quick and easy access to the topics they are looking for.

4. AU now also comprises a visually united business school
The new website creates a professional framework around Aarhus BSS, which emphasises and strengthens the impression of a united business school at Aarhus University. One of the demands from the accreditation institutions was that Aarhus BSS had to increase the visual representation of a united business school on the web and in all other written material.

5. Less and improved content makes for a faster website
As part of the project, the many thousands of Aarhus BSS pages are continuously being cleaned up. Pages are deleted and merged, texts are tightened, and any unnecessary content that has accumulated over the years is being given an overhaul. In a similar exercise at, the number of pages was reduced by 70 % without any of the sought-after content being lost. The clean-up job at will probably be less drastic, but the point remains the same: having fewer and improved pages increases the overview and reduces the downtime for everyone visiting our sites.

FACTS: What are external stakeholders looking for at

1.     Find an AU employee

2.     Find the websites of the faculties, departments and centres

3.     Research within a specific field

4.     Contact specific units at AU

5.     Find a researcher/expert at AU

6.     Vacant positions at AU

7.     Read about the latest research at AU

8.     News from AU

9.     Overview of the website

10.  Find a specific building, room or view a map of AU

FACTS: What are future students looking for at

1.     Overview of Bachelor’s degree programmes

2.     Admission to a degree programme

3.     Admission requirements for degree programmes at AU

4.     Structure of the programmes

5.     Commencement of studies, information

6.     Overview of Master’s degree programmes

7.     Job and career information

8.     Application deadlines for admission to degree programmes

9.     The AU study environment

10.  The teaching at AU


Questions about the new website

Project manager Rune Gamborg Ørum