Edit other user's profile

To edit another user's profile in PURE, you need the person to make you a trusted user to them in PURE.

Make a person a "Trusted user"

You can authorise another user to be a trusted user who can work in Pure on you behalf. You can use this option if a person needs to assist you with maintaining your profile information or submitting publications in Pure.

You make a person a trusted user under your Pure user information. You find your Pure user information by clicking your name in the upper right-hand corner. Next, click "Trusted users" in the left-hand menu and search for the person you want to add.

Switch to and edit another person's profile

Someone has made you a trusted user if you see the button "Switch user" in the upper right-hand corner.

If you don't see this button, please contact the person you need to edit for.

In the search field write the name of the person who's profile you need to edit. 

When you have made your selection, you are automatically switched to the other person's profile.

When you have switched to the other person's profile, the Switch user" button turns red. Click the button again when you want to switch back to your own user.

From the other person's profile overview, click "Edit profile". This takes you to the person's profile information where you can make the (agreed) changes.

Under "History and comment" in the left navigation there is a log showing what information has been edited, also what has been changed on the behalf of the profile owner.