Rules for obtaining a doctoral degree

In the event of any inconsistency between the Danish and English language versions of the document, the Danish version prevails.

Pursuant to section 1(2) of Ministerial Order no. 750 of 14 August 1996 on Higher Doctoral Degrees (Bekendtgørelse om doktorgrader) (the Higher Doctoral Degree Order), the following applies: 

1.-(1) Academic councils award higher doctoral degrees pursuant to section 15(2), item 4 of the Danish University Act (Universitetsloven). 

(2) Honorary doctoral degrees may be awarded by the rector on the recommendation of an academic council. 

2. Within the framework of the Higher Doctoral Degree Order and these rules, deans draw up more detailed regulations regarding practical procedures in connection with obtaining higher doctoral degrees. 

3. The following higher doctoral degrees may be awarded: 


  • Higher Doctoral degree in philosophy – doctor philosophiae (dr.phil.) 
  • Higher Doctoral degree in pedagogy – doctor paedagogiae (dr.paed.) 
  • Higher Doctoral degree in theology – doctor theologiae (dr.theol.) 
  • Higher Doctoral degree in anthropology – doctor scientiarum anthropologicarum (dr.scient.ant.) 
  • Higher Doctoral degree in professional language – doctor linguae mercantilis (dr.ling.merc.) 


  • Higher Doctoral degree in medical science – doctor medicinae ( 
  • Higher Doctoral degree in odontology – doctor odontologiae (dr.odont.) 

Aarhus BSS: 

  • Higher Doctoral degree in law – doctor juris (dr.jur.) 
  • Higher Doctoral degree in psychology – doctor psychologiae (dr.psyk.) 
  • Higher Doctoral degree in political science – doctor scientiarum politicarum (dr.scient.pol.) 
  • Higher Doctoral degree in economics – doctor oeconomices (dr.oecon.) 
  • Higher Doctoral degree in economics and business administration – doctor mercaturae (dr.merc.) 

Natural Sciences: 

  • Higher Doctoral degree in natural sciences – doctor scientiarum (dr.scient.) 

Technical Sciences: 

  • Higher Doctoral degree in technology – doctor technices (dr.techn.) 

4. The rector awards a diploma to persons who have been awarded a higher doctoral degree or an honorary doctoral degree. 

5. In very extraordinary circumstances, the dean may accept that the oral defence does not take place, see section 3(1) of the Higher Doctoral Degree Order. 

6.-(1) Pursuant to section 4 of the Higher Doctoral Degree Order, the dean may permit persons without a qualifying degree within the most relevant academic field to submit a higher doctoral dissertation. 

(2) The dean may decide to decline to consider a dissertation submitted, see section 4(2) of the Higher Doctoral Degree Order. 

7.-(1) The dean decides on the language in which a higher doctoral dissertation and its accompanying summary may be written, see section 6 of the Higher Doctoral Degree Order. 

(2) The dean decides on the language in which the assessment committee's recommendation may be written. 

8. On the recommendation of the assessment committee, the dean may allow the author to make minor alterations or provide minor supplements to the dissertation, see section 7 of the Higher Doctoral Degree Order. 

9. The dean appoints the assessment committee and makes the final decision regarding its composition, see section 8 of the Higher Doctoral Degree Order. 

10. The dean may permit a dissertation to be withdrawn from assessment, see section 9(2), last sentence of the Higher Doctoral Degree Order. 

11. The dean may permit the defence to be conducted in a language other than Danish, Norwegian or Swedish, see section 17(2) of the Higher Doctoral Degree Order. 

12. The dean's office publishes the appointed time and place for the defence not later than four weeks before the defence and states where the dissertation can be obtained, together with further regulations concerning the defence session, including information about registering as an unofficial opponent, see section 17(3) of the Higher Doctoral Degree Order. 

13. The dean seeks written comments and arranges for consultation of the doctoral candidate, see section 20(2) of the Higher Doctoral Degree Order. 

14. The dean effects legal deposit of the dissertation to the Royal Library and the State and University Library. 

15.-(1) These rules come into force as of 7 May 2012. 

(2) The rules of 25 March 2010 on obtaining a Higher doctoral degree at Aarhus University are hereby annulled. 

Aarhus University, 7 May 2012 

Lauritz B. Holm-Nielsen 

Later organisational changes have been incorporated by Rector’s Office.