Register an assignment with Building Services

  • Digital registration of assignments via Dalux FM Helpdesk

Download and log on to DaluxFM app:

  1. Start by downloading the app DaluxFM HelpDesk. You can find the app on both App Store and Google Play (NB! Remember to give Dalux FM permission to use your current location).
  2. Log on to the DaluxFM app: The first time you use the app, you must state your customer login (AU), your email address, your name and the telephone number we can reach you on (HelpDeskID is not necessary). Click on “Fortsæt” to get started.

Register an assignment:

  1. Click on “Indmeld”.
  2. Scan the QR code for the room the assignment relates to - you will find this code on a sign by the entrance to the room. If there is no QR code, click on “Ingen QR”, and your current location will be displayed on the screen (provided you have given Dalux FM permission to use your current location). In this case, you can always find the building the assignment relates to by clicking on the menu in the top right-hand corner and selecting the current building.
  3. Select the topic the assignment relates to.
  4. Describe the assignment and specify a location. It is also possible to take one or more photos and attach them to the registration. Photos are often very helpful for the person completing the assignment, so we encourage you to use this function.
  5. Once you have completed your registration, click on “send” at the bottom of the screen.

You will then receive a confirmation email, and Arts Building Operations and Maintenance will process your request as soon as possible. If we need any extra information about the assignment, we will contact you. If we write to you, you just need to reply to the email you have received and your response will be saved as part of the relevant assignment on Dalux FM.

Log on to DaluxFM web:

  1. Open your internet browser. Insert this link in the search field:
  2. Enter your login details and click on “Login” (HelpDeskID is not necessary).

Register an assignment:

  1. You can now register an assignment by clicking on “Ny indmelding” and then clicking on the building the assignment relates to.
  2. Once you have chosen 1) a building / an address and 2) a room, you must select the topic the assignment relates to. Fill out the fields with a brief description of the problem and any location information. You may also attach one or more photos that you think might be relevant. Select a photo that you have taken and click on “Send indmelding” at the bottom of the screen.

You will then receive an email. In the email, there will be a link where you can follow your case.

Urgent enquiries

For urgent enquiries that cannot wait, please contact the Maintenance Office. 

  • Emdrup Maintenance Office, service telephone: 9352 1850
  • Aarhus Maintenance Office, service telephone: 8715 0536

About the transition to digital registration of assignments

Arts Building Services is currently undertaking a major digitisation process, which will change the way assignments are registered with our operations staff. In practice, this will mean that non-urgent assignments to Building Operations and Maintenance must be registered electronically in a new task management system: Dalux FM Helpdesk. Assignments must be registered via an app or online. 

Dalux FM will replace our current systems, and it will allow assignments to be digitalised and more easily overviewed, prioritised and managed by internal staff. 

The purpose of using Dalux FM is to ensure follow-up and communication with those who use the system and to provide a relevant and digital service experience. The digital communication with users via Dalux FM will not replace the direct dialogue with users which is essential to complete certain types of assignment.   

In short, the purpose of introducing Dalux FM is to ensure that:

  • assignments do not get lost
  • assignments are followed-up
  • internal staff can gain an overview of assignments
  • communication between users and operations staff can occur continuously throughout and at the end of the assignment
  • assignments can be transferred between staff in the case of absence 
  • assignments are registered in a standard way

Please note! When registering assignments at Katrinebjerg and Moesgaard, please contact the local Building Operations and Maintenance. 

About the Dalux FM Helpdesk

You can find the Dalux FM manual here 

You can find an information poster to display locally here (in progress)

This video gives a brief introduction to the Dalux FM Helpdesk system.     


If you have any general questions about the system, you are welcome to contact:

Ib Rasmussen: email: , tlf: 87152267 

Susie Petersson: email: , tlf: 87151676