What you can search for and see in timetable.au.dk, depends on whether you are logged in or not.
During a period when the department ensures the quality of timetables before they are published for the students, you will find that your timetable is marked with "Draft".
When you are logged in, you will see timetables for the activities you have been attached to as staff or instructor in the planning system. On the right you can see a list of relevant courses.
You can sync your timetable with your personal AU calendar on PC / Mac or mobile. You only need to sync once. When you sync, changes to room, time and date automatically update in your calendar.
The iCal function is another way to sync your timetable to your PC or mobile calendar. Use iCal if you primary calendar and email is not from AU. This may apply if you are an external teacher (DVIP) or student instructor.
The iCal function in timetable.au.dk can also be used to synchronise timetables other than your own, e.g. specific rooms or modules. It's possible to download your own calendar as a separate calendar only visible to you.
Only the current view is exported. Remember to select all the modules you wish to export.
You only need to export a timetable once, then changes to rooms or timeslots updates are downloaded automatically (updates may have a slight delay).
Please note that the timetable is downloaded as a separate calendar for Outlook. This lets you download several different views.
Click the ’Connect calendar’-icon and select the preferred format. Select ’Microsoft Outlook’ for the Outlook mail client.
Follow the step-by-step guide in the popup window.
It is not possible to add an iCal link to Outlook for Mac. As an alternative, you can add the timetable in your webmail instead. Once the timetable has been added, the timetable will also be shown in Outlook for Mac.
Follow the guide at timetable.au.dk-support in order to download a calendar for your Android, iPhone or Windows phone: timetable.au.dk/help#mobile