
In the links below, you will find the accounting guidelines for ordinary and special divisional financial statement 1 (DR1) projects at departments, centres and other units at Aarts.

All guidelines contain EAN numbers for electronic invoicing.

Accounting guideline for departments and centres, ordinary DR1 projects

Accounting guideline for the Department of Culture and Society (IKS), ordinary DR1 projects

Accounting guideline for the Department of Communication and Culture (IKK), ordinary DR1 projects

Accounting guideline for the Danish School of Education (DPU), ordinary DR1 projects

Accounting guideline for joint activities

Accounting guideline for estate projects and development

Accounting guideline for The Graduate School

Accounting guideline for the Administrative Center

Accounting guideline for external projects - contact your project controller

REMEMBER: An account number, project number and activity number must always be stated when settling in IndFak, RejsUD and Conference Manager.