24h race 2018

The 24-hour run 2016 around Søndersø (The Southern Lake) in Viborg takes place 18. – 19. august 2018 – and we would love to see YOU :) Registration is open!

Info about event


Saturday 18 August 2018, at 12:00 - Sunday 19 August 2018, at 12:00


Viborg, Denmark


The 24-hour run 2016 around Søndersø (The Southern Lake) in Viborg takes place 18. – 19. august 2018 – and we would love to see YOU :)

The principle of the 24-hour run is that the teams entered for the run must ensure that a person from each team either runs or walks around Søndersø during the entire period from 12 noon Saturday to 12 noon Sunday. Each team has a baton (with a chip) which must be carried when running/walking and which registers the time.

The only requirement for participating in the 24-hour run is that you are able to move at a fairly good pace (not necessarily running) around Søndersø, which is a distance of approx. 5.7 km. The AU Foulum principle is that it is better to participate than to win. Therefore, we encourage all of you who want to and have the possibility to run, jog or walk around Søndersø. The number of rounds per participant will vary - and you can choose the number of rounds, which suits you best.

As always food and sweets will be provided in the tent placed close to Søndersø. You can buy beverages in the tent.

If you do not want to - or have the possibility to - run or walk around the lake, you are very welcome to join us in the tent to have a good time with your colleagues. You find the tent at the west side of the lake, close to the psychiatric hospital. More detailed information will follow as the event approaches.


The participant fee is DKK 100 to be paid in the reception or by bank transfer reg.no. 6610 account no. 2757786

registration no later than July 18th 2018. We kindly encourage you to register as soon as possible in order for us to decide whether or not to register an additional team for the run.  


Please register by e-mail to Personaleforening.Foulum.kom@au.dk

As far as possible the teams will be composed in a way that allows participants from the same department to be in the same team. If you have special requests regarding the team, please let us know when signing up for the race.
When registering please inform us of the following:
- name and department
- t-shirt size (XS, S, M, L, XL or XXL)
- desired number of rounds
- expected time for running 5.7 kilometers

If you are only able to run at a specific time please let us know this when you register.

Kind regards

The Staff Club Foulum