(CANCELLED) Spend the night in an outdoor shelter

The trip has been cancelled! Spend a night outdoors in a shelter along with your friends and colleagues. Enjoy the food made over a fire and roasting marshmallows. The event takes place from Friday 27 September 16.00 until 28 September at 11.00

Info about event


Friday 27 September 2019, at 16:00 - Saturday 28 September 2019, at 11:00


Lejrpladsen ved Hald, Ravnsbjergvej 71, 8800 Viborg

Do you like fresh air and sleeping outside? Then this is an event for you!

Spend the night in outdoor shelters – camp at Hald, Ravnsbjergvej 71, 8800 Viborg

Friday 27 September at 16.00 (4pm) to 28 September 11.00 (11am)


We will meet at 16.00 at the camp.

The afternoon will start with:

Coffee and bread

A shared meal made over a fire and later ‘hygge’ with ‘snobrød’ (bread twists baked over the fire) and marshmellows.


Breakfast and clean up

Departure at 11.00

You should bring

  • Sleeping bag and other sleeping requirements
  • Drinks (we will supply the coffee and tea)
  • You can bring a tent if you would prefer to sleep in this rather than the shelters.


75 DKK for Staff Club members
175 DKK for non-Staff Club members.

Deadline for signup and payment is 20 September at the reception


Arranged by Lissy, Helle and Inga from cleaning. 
