Submission of Dissertation

Language requirements

The doctoral dissertation can be written in Danish or English.  

The summary must be submitted in both Danish and English. 

Format of required documents

All files must be OCR-readable pdf-files.

  1. The summary must be in Danish and English (an abstract of the doctoral dissertation)
  2. The author’s declaration should be signed and describe if:

    • whether the dissertation previously has been subject to assessment with the purpose of obtaining the higher doctoral degree, either at Aarhus University or at another university
    • whether the dissertation, or any research results included therein, previously has been used to obtain an academic degree
    • whether the dissertation is written in collaboration with one or more co-authors
  3. As the doctoral degree can only be awarded on the basis of the author’s own scientific contributions co-author statement(s) must be present if the doctoral dissertation (or parts thereof) is written with co-authors. This can be in the form of a document in which all authors declare their part of the work.
  4. Documentation for the acquisition of a Master's degree or equivalent. 
  5. The compressed account is a document that summarizes and critically discuss the results achieved. It must critically discuss strengths and weaknesses in the methodology and position the results and methodology in relation to relevant international literature in the research area. 

    The compressed account can be structured like this:

    • Preface

    • The articles in the dissertation (dissertation studies): A list of the articles that have been submitted for assessment and which have not previously formed the basis for the awarding of an academic degree.

    • Introduction: General introduction to the topic

    • Presentation and critical discussion of the methodologies used

    • Presentation and critical discussion of the results achieved

    • ‘My dissertation’s contribution to the substantial advancement of science’: A summary of how  the author's personal contribution to the scientific work that forms the basis for doctoral dissertation has made a substantial contribution to the advancement of science. The section should fill 1 – 1.5 A4 pages under the heading: "The substantial contribution of my dissertation to the advancement of science".

    • Discussion of future perspectives of research on the topic

    • Conclusion

    • The required summary in English and Danish can be part of this document