Higher doctoral dissertations at Aarhus BSS

Acquisition of
the higher doctoral
degree at BSS

The higher doctoral degree is the highest academic degree that can be awarded at a Danish university on the basis of a dissertation which is defended at a public, oral defence. The higher doctoral degree is awarded as the university’s acknowledgement of the author’s considerable scientific insight and maturity, and on the basis that the dissertation has contributed substantially to the advancement of science.

Aarhus BSS can award the following higher doctoral degrees:
Law - doctor juris (dr. jur.)
Psychology - doctor psychologiae (dr. psyk.)
Political Science - doctor scientiarum politicarum (dr. scient. pol.)
Economy - doctor oeconomices (dr. oecon.)
Business Economy - doctor mercature (dr. merc.)

On the links below you kan read more about doctoral dissertations at Aarhus BSS

You can also contact the Dean’s Office at BSS, Nordre Ringgade 1, DK - 8000 Aarhus C.