Present: Amin Alavi, Jonas Kretzschmar Fink, Laura Hammerschmidt Jensen, Svend Søborg, Annette Agerdal-Hjermind og Jacob Jensen (minute taker)
Absent: Kim Lilholt Ruggaard
1) Support from AU to staff associations
Det blev i november meldt ud, at personaleforeninger ikke længere måtte bruge AU’s webshop, men dekan Svend Hylleberg har diskuteret sagen med universitetsdirektøren, og beslutningen er blevet ændret, så BSS’ personaleforening fremover fortsat kan bruge webshoppen til tilmelding og betaling af arrangementer samt betaling af kontingenter for studentermedhjælpere, deltidsansatte og pensionister.
In November it was announced that staff associations could no longer use AU's webshop, but Dean Svend Hylleberg has discussed the matter with the university director and the decision has been changed so BSS’ staff association can continue to use the webshop in the future for registration and payment of events plus payment of membership fees for student assistants, part-time employees and former employees who have retired.
2) Events held in the autumn 2012
The Staff Association has held 5 events (plus ”Friday afternoon in Klubben” the last Friday of each month):
The association also tried to arrange a beer lecture and tasting plus an excursion to Graceland in Randers, but both events had to be canceled due to too few registrations.
3) Preliminary planning of events winter/spring 2013
The Board decided to make these events before the general assembly in March:
In addition, the dates for the traditional family events are already fixed:
Other events on the idea list:
4) Other things
The Board discussed how to best recruit colleagues from all of BSS. The association continuously tries to draw attention to its activities through BSS 'internal newsletter for employees, and it has also been tried to present the association at department meetings, but it has only been possible at a few departments. The board agreed that it is through personal contacts and through ambassadors/via "word of mouth" that best new members can best be recruited. Annette will try to spread the word to colleagues at the Department of Political Sciences, and Svend will contact colleagues at the Department of Psychology. Jacob will also try to bring the Staff Association on the agenda at a future manager meeting at BSS where the departments’ secretariat leaders are gathered. Annette will also try to find students who can use the association's challenge as a case study and create a marketing strategy for the association.
Svend told that there is a lot of pressure on the ARoS cards and one card is missing. Svend will contact ARoS to get a replacement card and when the association’s ARoS membership must be renewed for 2013, Jacob will order 3 extra card, so the association will have 6 cards that can be borrowed by members.
Finally, it was discussed that some members have invited colleagues as guests for events, although the colleagues could just as well have become members of the association and participate in the event as members themselves. When announcing events in the future, we will make it clear that members can only invite one guest and that colleagues cannot be brought as guests.