Important information about classrooms at Aarhus BSS

Classrooms at Arts/Aarhus BSS - service hotlines

There are signs on all classroom doors where you can find information on service hotlines to contact if you need help.

Depending on what kind of help you need, you should call one of three numbers:

  • Contact IT/AV Assistance if you experience technical difficulties (PC malfunction, missing cables, broken projector, etc.)
  • Contact Building Services if there are problems with the room (not enough furniture, problems with the lighting, electricity or heat, missing chalk or markers, poor cleaning, etc.)
  • Contact the Scheduling Office if the classroom cannot accommodate the participants in the class or in case of scheduling conflicts or changes.

At all classrooms there is also a QR code that can be scanned so that the timetable for the room can be seen.

As a general rule, there are projectors in the university’s classrooms.

Instructors should bring their own laptops to classrooms at all other locations. Instructors who do not have laptops can borrow them from one of the following IT support locations

We recommend that you call in advance to reserve a pc.

Acces to buildings and classrooms

All buildings and classrooms are open from 8.00 to 18.00 Mondays to Fridays. Key card must be used to access buildings and classrooms outside opening hours. It is the instructor’s responsibility to ensure that he or she has a valid key card if a class is scheduled outside of normal opening hours. Please contact Building Services for the area of campus in question well in advance of the scheduled class for assistance.


Building M

Room 024

 More info here.


Tel.: 8716 4113


Building 1411

Room 055

 More info here.

Bartholin guardroom

Tel.: 8715 0519


More info here.