Take part in the Festival of Research about TIME

On Thursday 28 April, Aarhus University will open its doors for the Festival of Research, which will take place in and around Stakladen. This year’s theme is TIME, and, as a researcher, you can present your work by holding a speed lecture or a stand activity. The Festival of Research at AU typically attracts around 1,000 people and is an excellent opportunity to promote your research.

[Translate to English:] Forskere viser deres forskning frem i Stakladen til Forskningens Døgn 2019.
[Translate to English:] Mennesker i alle aldre besøger Forskningens Døgn i Stakladen. Som forsker kan du nu tilmelde dig Forskningens Døgn 2022. Billedet er fra Forskningens Døgn 2019. Foto: Ida Jensen/AU Foto

Have you conducted a study that took a long time – or an experiment that took virtually no time at all? Are you researching a specific period in time? Perhaps classical antiquity, the Corona pandemic, or the silly season? Something light years away – or something we spend time on in the here-and-now? The theme of this year’s Festival of Research at Aarhus University is TIME – understood in a broad sense.

If you are inspired by this theme, you can register for the Festival of Research at Aarhus University, which will take place on Thursday 28 April from 14:00 to 18:00 in and around Stakladen.

At the Festival of Research, there is space for both seasoned researchers and young research talents, and all creative ideas within the theme TIME are welcome. The more spectacular and interactive, the better.

In 2019, PhD student Signe Lund Mathiesen from the Department of Food Science took part in the Festival of Research with a chocolate-eating experiment. She encourages other researchers to participate:

“The Festival of Research is a great opportunity to get in touch with members of the public who want to gain an insight into many different types of research. Discussing our ideas with people outside the university also makes it possible to get a lot of feedback," says Signe Lund Mathiesen.

Read more about the event and sign up

You can find more information about the Festival of Research at AU at www.au.dk/fd.

Festival of Research

Every year, Aarhus University participates in the Festival of Research, which is an initiative started by the Ministry of Higher Education and Science. Between 22 and 29 April 2022, researchers across Denmark will present their work in an accessible and engaging way.