Do you have any request for a new webshop at AU?

Do you currently use the AU webshop to sell compendiums or books, lend out keys or handle deposits? Then you might have some requests for how a new system should work. AU is getting a new webshop – and during the month of May, you can submit requests for the new system.

Graphic: Colourbox

Aarhus University needs a new webshop as the current system is not able to handle internal sales or integrate with the accounting system Navision. Therefore, AU Finance has begun looking into the needs and requests users might have for a new webshop.


Requests and requirements for the new webshop

You can send your requests to Project Manager Birgitte Ballebye. She will receive emails with general input and descriptions of needs until 31 May 2019. Send an email to

AU has defined the following minimum requirements for the new webshop:

  • It must be a standard system.
  • It must be able to handle both internal and external sales
  • It must include an option for inventory management
  • It must include automatic invoicing from the system

NB: The new webshop must be a standard system, and therefore we cannot guarantee that all requests will be met.


New webshop in 2020

User inputs will be used to draft a specification of requirements for the new system. Workshops will also be held in which an extended external advisory group representing all areas of the university will discuss what a new webshop should be able to do. And employees responsible for the operation of the webshop will of course also be included in the process. When the specification of requirements has been finalised, AU will contact relevant suppliers. The new webshop is expected to be ready by the second quarter of 2020.

Additional information

Read more about the project to find a new webshop here (in Danish). On the project site, you can find the people who are involved in the project and stay updated on the process. 

AU webshop

The AU Webshop (link in Danish) is used for selling various items and handling deposits and subscriptions. Registrations for events and conferences are made through Conference Manager (link in Danish).