Interested in communicating your research to a general audience?

As a researcher, you are now able to sign up to give a lecture at ‘Book a Researcher’ – an initiative presented as part of the Festival of Research, which gives everyone in Denmark the opportunity to receive a free visit from a researcher during the week beginning 25 April.

‘Book a Researcher’ is an initiative presented as part of the Festival of Research, which will take place from 22 to 29 April 2022. As a researcher, you are now able to sign up to give a lecture and thereby communicate your research to new audiences throughout Denmark and strengthen the dialogue between researchers and society at large.

In practice, this means that anyone can invite you as a researcher to come and give your lecture during the week in question. It might be a primary school teacher, librarian or a company that finds your lecture particularly interesting.

The host provides the venue (or online platform) and ensures that there will be an audience of at least 20 participants. After The Festival of Research puts you in touch with the host, you and the host are responsible for making further arrangements.

In 2021, the Book a Researcher scheme had more than 21,000 participants, 624 lectures and 260 participating researchers.

Registration is open until 10 February.

Read more and sign up

Festival of Research

The Festival of Research is a recurring annual festival of science and scholarship arranged by the Ministry of Higher Education and Science. In 2022, the festival will begin on Friday 22 April and will run for a week. This year, Aarhus University is planning an in-person event in Stakladen on the afternoon of Thursday 28 April. Information about this event and an invitation to researchers will follow.