Remember to register your publications in PURE

2018 is coming to an end, and this means that you need to be aware of deadlines and practical information in connection with the reporting procedure for the university’s publications in PURE.

PURE provides information for the bibliometric research indicator (BFI). BFI is used in connection with the allocation of the new basic research funding to the universities, and it is therefore important that the universities report all publications on time.

If you are a researcher or a member of administrative staff dealing with registration and validation in PURE, this information is relevant for you.


There are two deadlines in connection with this reporting procedure:

  • Registration: All publications with 2018 as year of publication must be registered in PURE by 15 January 2019.  
  • Validation: All publications with 2018 as year of publication must be validated by 1 March 2019.

Do you register your publications in PURE?

Leading up to the deadline for registration on 15 January, you should be particularly aware of the following: 

  • Have all your publications been reported?
  • Have any of your publications changed publication status since you registered them?
  • Is the categorisation of your publications in relation to type of publication ('Research', 'Consultancy', 'Communication' and 'Teaching') and the peer review entry correct?

Do you validate publications in PURE?

AU Library has prepared a validation checklist (in Danish only). AU Library will also hold a validator workshop on 23 January. At the workshop, PURE superusers from AU Library will be present and you will be able to bring your own PC and validate or get answers to your questions about validation.

BFI and OA information meetings 2018

On 5 and 6 December, information meetings about BFI and Open Access (OA) will be held. The meetings will focus on the relationship between PURE and both BFI - including the criteria for awarding BFI credits to publications and OA enrichment in PURE - and the Danish Open Access Indicator. It will also be possible to follow both meetings via livestream.


BFI (Bibliometric Research Indicator)

On 15 June 2019, AU's publications will be harvested for BFI. BFI is used to allocate part of the new basic research funding to the universities, and this means that timely submission of the university's publications is important. You can read more about BFI on the Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education’s website.

Open Access

At the beginning of March 2019, AU’s publications will be harvested for the Danish OA barometer. In 2019, publications published in 2017 will be harvested.  Before the harvest for the OA Barometer, as a researcher you must be particularly aware of the Open Access status of your publications from 2017. If you have any questions about what you should do about Open Access, you should contact your contact person at AU Library. Read more about Open Access.