Blog entries

Three glimpses of plans for 2020

In this year's first blog, I would like to single out three areas we will be prioritising in 2020 – the first year under AU's new strategy.


Digitalisation. I have mentioned this many times before, but it is an extremely important area, within which we must continue to develop.

2020 will be an exciting year for digitalisation. For example, we will be implementing and starting up a new degree programme planning system. I am particularly pleased with this project, as it is a really good example of how, in close dialogue with users, we have developed a uniform practice across faculties.

This year, we also have to find a new Learning Management System, and we will be developing our services for international students. Finally, in the HR area, we’ll be looking at a new system to better support the many HR processes we have around the university.

Another important task for the coming year will be to establish a plan for how the administration can best work with the strategy adopted by the board just before Christmas that sets a course for AU towards 2025.

The stronger ambitions for the climate area in AU's new strategy are something else we will be looking at. How can the administration contribute to ensuring that AU becomes more climate friendly?

Should we try to make sure our electricity supply comes from wind power? Should we optimise our IT systems to make them even more energy-efficient? And can we do anything as individuals to reduce our carbon emissions? Clearly, the answer to all three questions is a resounding ‘yes’!

In relation to the climate, it is important that we focus on major green transformations at AU level. But we must also consider how staff and students can help. Because as you know, from small acorns grow mighty oaks.

My final focus area for 2020 is operations. We often forget operations, because what goes on here is not always quite so visible. Nevertheless, it is crucial that our university administration operations are best in class, at both management and staff level.

This year, I would like to put extra focus on our operational successes. For this reason, I have launched a new series of articles, News from the engine room at the administration, which I hope will highlight the good projects and the important advances taking place at operational level.

The first article in the series focuses on the Reducing the IT Debt project, which over the past couple of years has helped us get rid of some of our obsolete IT systems. The project has also made it easier to implement new and up-to-date systems, while at the same time reducing our energy consumption and helping the environment.

I'm very much looking forward to working with you to create the world's best university administration.