At, you can access a number of administrative systems e.g. the employee registration system Medarbejderstamkortet.
PURE is AU’s research registration system. Research publications, research activities and research projects are registered in PURE. PURE is also used for the individual websites for AU staff.
Find more it-systems in the index for Staff Service.
The committee’s mandate is to support Aarhus University's vision of delivering high-quality science-based advice with a significant impact on society, as described in Strategy 2025. The committee is tasked with promoting common solutions to common challenges across faculties and units involved in science-based advice at AU. The committee is comprised of representatives from all five faculties from units at different organisational levels which provide science-based advice.
The committee’s mandate is to support Aarhus University's vision of delivering high-quality research-based consultancy with a significant impact on society. The committee does this by:
The committees tasks include:
All units at Aarhus University that provide research-based consultancy have the right to be represented on the committee. As of February 2024, the following units are represented:
The committee is open to additional members from other entities for which representation is relevant.
The AU committee for research-based consultancy reports to the senior management team.
The AU committee for research-based consultancy has decision-making authority in relation to matters concerned with collaboration between units and the like. The dean of the Faculty of Technical Sciences is responsible for such agenda items.
Meeting agendas are prepared by the chair and secretary, who are also responsible for following up on and ensuring progress in regard to the committee’s tasks. The agenda, including any memos and attachments, is sent out at least five working days prior to a meeting. For major agenda items that affect multiple units, the item owner is responsible for involving relevant parties at the university.
The committee meets twice a year, in the first and third quarter.
The committee may appoint temporary (ad hoc) or permanent sub-committees to perform specific tasks or in order to generate proposals for the committee.
The committee is obligated to involve relevant stakeholders in its work. Involvement may take the form of consultation, collaboration on specific initiatives, participation in sub-committees, seminars, etc.
Minutes of meetings are published on
Administrative support for the committee is provided by the Dean’s Office at the Faculty of Technical Sciences. This support is coordinated with administrative support for the AU research committee.
The senior management team will revisit the committee's reporting relationship no later than May 2027 with a view to further formalising the committee.
Approved by the Senior Management Team on 22 May 2024.