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We can create a good work environment together

We'll be starting work on the election of new occupational health and safety representatives in early De-cember. In this blog post, I'd like to emphasise the importance of us all working together to create a good work environment within the administration – and encourage you to consider whether you'd like to stand for election.

The elections to the work environment organisation are an important aspect of the partnership between staff and managers at AU, helping to promote well-being and efficiency – and hence a good work environment. As a work environment representative, you can influence some of the most important factors in a good work environment – and even improve them where necessary. For this reason, I'd like to encourage all employees to support the election and consider whether they'd like to take part in it and participate in the work of the occupational health and safety organisation.

As university director, it's important to me to ensure that we have a good work environment within the administration; first and foremost because a good work environment means that we enjoy our work more,  but also because I'm absolutely certain it has a positive effect on the quality and efficiency of the work we do. Hence the physical and mental work environment is fundamental to our well-being and work within the administration.

The occupational health and safety environment organisation is an important driving force in our efforts to ensure that we deal with challenges relating to the work environment, while also developing in that regard. Another important element is the ongoing dialogue between employees and managers on how we should prioritise tasks, develop the administration, ensure good communication and prevent accidents and occupational injuries, for instance.

Therefore, I'd also like to encourage employees and managers at each unit to discuss regularly how to create a good physical and psychological work environment for their unit – and for individual employees as well.

FACTS: Election to the occupational health and safety organisation

The election of occupational health and safety representatives is divided into two phases: a nomination period extending from 6 December 2017 to 8 January 2018, and then an election period from 11 to 26 January 2018.


·        Read more about the elections – including how you stand for election and vote – here

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