Gender equality

As stated in the AU staff policy, Aarhus University’s goal is to be a diverse, inclusive workplace where all employees – regardless of gender, age, nationality, religion, sexual orientation or handicap – have equal rights and opportunities in their work and career paths. We consider staff diversity to be a resource and want to encourage a workplace culture that allows all employees to express and develop their talents in their working lives.

In Denmark and in Europe, governments are encouraging universities to take responsibility for ensuring equal opportunities and for addressing the well-known challenges they face in attracting and retaining female researchers at every level of the academic job structure, in order to bring all talents into play.

At a European level, the ERC (The European Research Council) encourages all assessors to watch this video developed by CERCA (the Catalan Research Centres Institute). The purpose of the video is to illustrate biases in recruitment processes and in connection with assessments of research projects which may hinder an objective assessment of the relative qualifications of male and female applicants.

Read more about the work related to gender equality and diversity at Aarhus Univeristy.



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