Danish social security

As an employee of Aarhus University, you are covered by the Danish social security system. The social security systems includes the right to receive hospital treatment and access to a pension, unemployment benefits, family benefits and child allowances. In Denmark, social security is financed through taxation.

In addition, Aarhus University pays into a number of other schemes:

  • Labour Market Supplementary Pension Scheme (ATP) in accordance with consolidation act no. 1385 of 10/10/2014 on the Labour Market Supplementary Pension Scheme and consolidation act no. 1385 of 25/11/2015 on the Labour Market Supplementary Pension Scheme. Aarhus University pays into this scheme to ensure that its employees receive a supplement to the Danish state pension.
  • Labour Market Insurance (AES) in accordance with consolidation act no. 980 of 09/09/2019 on the self-governing institution Labour Market Insurance. Aarhus University pays into this scheme to guarantee that its employees are insured if they are recognised as having a work-related injury or a work-related illness.
  • The Danish Parental Leave Fund in accordance with consolidation act no. 2271 of 29/12/2020 on the parental leave fund. Aarhus University pays into this fund to ensure that it can receive salary reimbursements for employees taking parental leave.

Aarhus University is self-insured. Ongoing contributions are paid into a pension scheme that includes insurance cover for many employments at the university. To find out the insurance cover linked to your pension scheme, you can contact your pension company or possibly the website of the pension company. 

  • You may be covered by a group life scheme in Forenede Gruppeliv (FG) if you are employed for more than 15 hours per week on collective agreement terms, on civil servant-like terms or as a civil servant and you do not have insurance cover via contributions to a pension scheme.
  • You can report critical illness either electronically via www.fg.dk or by contacting the university, which prints out a notification form.
  • You can contact Forenede Gruppeliv if you want guidance on the possibility of favoring someone other than the next of kin.

The insurance summary for group life for monthly wage earners number 85034 and for hourly wage earners number 98642 is on FG's website. If you are insured in FG, you can view your insurance coverage at www.pensionsinfo.dk or at www.fg.dk.