In 2020, the majority of AU’s students will have an entire year to write their Master’s thesis and much better opportunities for involving an external…
New reports containing data about degree programmes and students will provide a better foundation for developing and improving AU’s degree programmes.
Innovation Fund Denmark has DKK 1.6 billion of venture capital available for researchers and companies with good ideas. Great interest was shown at…
A report shows a moderately increased level of PCBs in ten buildings at ST and Aarhus BSS. Specific action plans have been initiated to remove PCBs…
AU’s IT systems and electrical installations are due for a check-up again. This is called a “service window”, and the next one will take place on the…
The senior management team has decided that the local liaison committees (LSUs) at the administrative divisions and administrative centres will in…
If you have added public holidays to your calendar in Outlook, and you are using Outlook 2007 or Outlook 2010, you should be aware that the dates for…
The mentor programme Empower Talent! matches staff at assistant professor level (assistant professor/researcher/postdoc) with more experienced…
New representatives must be elected, and all interested employees are encouraged to stand for election.
Aarhus University has extended the modified hiring freeze in the administration until 30 June 30 2015.
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