Discussions about strengthening the language degree programmes

For some time now, we have been discussing ways of intensifying the level of collaboration between the degree programmes in European foreign languages that are conducted by the School of Culture and Communication at the Faculty of Arts and the Department of Business Communication at Aarhus BSS. Among other things, these discussions have focused on joint subjects and teaching, as well as other forms of academic collaboration.

However, at the suggestion of Aarhus BSS and following a dialogue with the Faculty of Arts, it has now been agreed to start exploring opportunities for a more complete integration of our foreign-language degree programmes (Spanish, French, German, English) with a view to gathering all these programmes under a single faculty – without losing the clear career tracks of the business and cultural communication employment profiles.

The overall goal is to establish Denmark’s largest and strongest environment for the major European languages, and ensure that we create robust language degree programmes which are equipped to meet the future – with strong language core competences and opportunities for career-targeted supplementary subjects and good employment potential for Master’s graduates.

Until now the School of Culture and Communication and the Department of Business Communication have been conducting these discussions, but they will now be extended to include the level of individual subjects as well as involving employers and other partners.

The business communication subject area will also be included in the discussions of increased collaboration in the language degree programmes.

The discussions are expected to be completed in January 2016. Any proposals from the subject environments will then be addressed by the liaison bodies of the respective faculties, and by the senior management team.