AU BSS Library becomes part of the Royal Library
On 1 January 2018, AU Library BSS becomes part of the Royal Library. However, this will have no practical consequences for the users, as the library will offer the exact same services as before.

“Although AU Library will now become part of the Royal Library, the users won’t notice any differences when using the library,” says library manager at AU Library BSS Susanne Dalsgaard Krag. “We’ll offer the exact same services as before and we’ll also be located in the exact same service centres. I look forward to collaborating with the Royal Library, and I’m happy that we’ll be able to offer our customers the same level of service in the future.”
Dean Thomas Pallesen is happy that the school will be able to continue its good collaboration with the library under the new framework:
“Everyday, the library staff makes a great contribution to the school,” he says. “I and everyone else at the school are looking forward to continuing our close collaboration with the staff on the important services that the library offers our researchers, lecturers and students.”
Here, you can find out more about the library services and opening hours.